A Caring & Compassionate Albany: Common Council Forum

 Registration is closed for this event

You're invited to "A Caring and Compassionate Albany" -- VOCAL-NY's Common Council  Forum on Wednesday, June 2nd at 5:30PM.

The forum will be held on Zoom in a Webinar format (online or by phone).

We will also host a 'viewing party' from the Albany Social Justice Center (33 Central Ave, Albany) for any individuals who may not have acceess to WiFi or a mobile device.

For over 20 years, VOCAL-NY has led people-powered campaigns to end the AIDS epidemic, the drug war, mass incarceration, and homelessness. We fight for systemic change rooted in justice, compassion, and love -- and believe that everyone deserves a life of dignity and respect. 

The next Common Council Members will inherit historically high levels of homelessness and overdose deaths. They will be responsible for making major investments into affordable housing, mental health care, and social services to replace the devastating role police and jails have long served in our city.

Addressing these intersecting issues isn't just a city council imperative to do right by the most marginalized among us — these issues impact every resident of Albany.

That's why we are hosting a Common Council  forum, to hear from candidates about how they'll work to reverse harmful policies, address decades of disinvestment, and build a Caring & Compassionate Albany.


 Candidates Participating in Forum:

Steven Negron, candidate for Albany Common Council, 3rd Ward

Jeff Mayo, candidate for Albany Common Council, 6th Ward

Gabriella Romero, candidate for Albany Common Council, 6th Ward

Sergio Adams, candidate for Albany Common Council, 7th Ward East

Meghan Keegan, candidate for Albany Common Council, 9th Ward

Luis Williams, candidate for Albany Common Council, 11th Ward


Jawanza Williams, Director of Organizing for VOCAL-NY 


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do feel free to reach out any anytime!

Contact: Luke 917-702-8781 / Luke@vocal-ny.org

June 2, 2021 from  5:30 PM to  7:00 PM
Zoom Webinar/Online or via phone
Mobile: 917-702-8781