10.20.21 Schedule a One-on-One!

Schedule a One-on-One with a VOCAL-NY Organizer!

From our founding to today, VOCAL-NY members are the lifeblood of our organization. Members participate in decision making about our campaigns, meet with elected officials about our issues, take action in the streets, run our board of directors, and approve all staff hiring. Throughout our history, thousands of low-income New Yorkers affected by HIV/AIDS, the war on drugs, homelessness, and mass incarceration have participated in VOCAL-NY events.

What's a one-on-one?

A one-on-one is an opportuntiy for us to connect (either in person or via Zoom) and for us to learn about you as an individual! We want to know about your lived experience, what brings you to VOCAL-NY, and ways for us to support your leadership development in this work!

Please register below and either Ash or Luke will be in touch with you ASAP!



Luke 917-702-8781 Luke@vocal-ny.org

Ash 518-469-3575 Ash@vocal-ny.org

RSVP Below!